Friday 18 February 2011

On the Eve of Love

I’m taken by the spirit and I have to write. (oh if only I felt this way about my dissertation!!)

It’s a full moon, and I can actually feel myself ovulating for the first time since I got pregnant (also when I was ovulating!). I’ve always been able to feel it, especially since I’ve become so in tune with the earth and my cycles the last few years, and I’ve had periods back since Ro was 7 weeks old, despite fully breastfeeding with no longer than a few hours’ gap of his choosing. But this is the first time that I’ve *felt* the process in a long time, and I’ve missed it. The moon is bright and beautiful and full. And I am bright and beautiful and fertile. My son’s birthday eve – the eve of the most magical, soul expanding experience of my life – and I am ovulating. What a message from the Universe, what deep truth there is here. Layers and layers of metaphors. After a year of channelling Artemis, the strong lone Goddess, here I am in Aphroditic rapture. My first year of mothering is drawing to a close, and I am on the threshold of new love. Spring is here early, green shoots in the garden, bird song earlier and later respectively… and here I am in the Earth’s groove, ovulating away with it all, myself so ready to conceive of new life in so many ways – my business, my home, my spirituality. I’m having a love affair with myself, with no narcissism whatsoever. I’m selflessly giving every minute of every day and night, and rather than depleted, I am replenished. I am filled from the Universal cup, which overflows with Universal love. I know at a deep level that we are all one, we are one, we one, one, One. O. __
Nature abhors a void, and when I give of myself, I am filled up again.

From the street this house is an average mid-terrace.

From the inside it is a temple, a palace, a celebration of the Divine feminine, of all that I am and all that my sisters are. Pulsing with love, sparkling with light, it is alive, it is filled in every corner with Spirit, and it nourishes me to my very core. I have created this, I have created Rowan, I have created myself. From my womb I birthed my son, myself, and my future.

Ready for Rowan’s Naming Ceremony and Birthday party tomorrow, I have decorated - filled vases of spring daffodils, a luxe bouquet of deep red roses as a gift to myself; spread glitter and balloons and wooden floral bunting, wrapped presents, made food, created sacred space where we celebrate life. Blessed and nurtured and nurturing am I.   

Om shanti.

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